Sunday, July 17, 2011


There is also a huge emotional aspect to the pain. For example, my doc is telling me that pretty much the only way to correct my back is back surgery, but he recommends me waiting until and cant even stand or walk at all, that way if something went wrong then it would not be a big deal because I could not walk or stand up anyways. Now I understand his concern but here is my situation, I am 21 to start so there is so much I am missing out on right now. I had gotten married right before all this started getting so bad, and now we have a baby due on the 24th of this month. I have ran through all my life's savings, I have been working on peoples farms since I was 14 or 15, and had around $15,000 and a car that was fully paid for. When I first started hurting I thought it was ok because of all my savings but now the savings are totally gone. I have around $13,000 in medical bills,
that number is not even counting what my insurance paid. Me and my wife have had to move back in with my family because we could not afford rent anymore. So now I have my wife living at my familys house, a baby due a week from today, all the bills, but no money coming in. It gets me very down alot of times, making me feel like such a bum. My wife and my family are very supportive but it still gets me down and makes me think that my wife deserves better and more than what I can provide for her. No one tells you about these feelings and sometimes I think this feeling is worse than the pain. Does anyone feel the same way? Does it get easier with time?

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